Friday, September 5, 2014

The ONLY Sunny Side Up Eggs Recipe You Will Ever Need

Mr. S. and I are absolutely fans of breakfast.  We used to go out for breakfast on the weekends often (and sometimes still do). But over the past year, we've accumulated so many go-to recipes for breakfast classics, that it often makes more sense to stay home - from the wallet standpoint, the knowing what's in our food standpoint, and the taste standpoint!

Several months ago, we stumbled upon this America's Test Kitchen recipe for sunny-side-up eggs/fried eggs, and let me tell you my friends, it has been life-changing.  We discovered that you can make PERFECTLY cooked, PERFECTLY runny (depending on preference) fried eggs in about 2 minutes.  Once you try this recipe, you will never go back to the  insanity of trying to get the yellow of the egg done without overcooking the white!

Perfect Sunny Side Up Eggs (serves 2 - with 2 eggs each)

2 tsp canola (or vegetable) oil
4 large eggs
Salt and pepper
2 tsp unsalted butter

  • Heat oil in 12-inch nonstick skillet on low for 5 minutes.  
  • Crack 2 eggs into a mug or small bowl.  Crack the other two eggs into a separate bowl/mug.  Season with salt and pepper
  • Increase heat to medium-high until oil is shimmering.  Add butter and swirl to coat pan. 
  • Simultaneously pour both bowls of eggs into the pan.
  • Cover and let cook for 1 minute.  
  • Remove skillet from the burner and let stand, covered 15 to 60 second, depending on preferred doneness (we do 30 seconds for perfectly runny eggs).

Source:  America's Test Kitchen

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